System Hopping Info
Hello there! Thank you for stopping by. This Carrd is meant to educate you on what system hopping is, what it is not, and what people may mean when they use the word. This Carrd is written by a pro-endo, but if you are an endogenic system and spread misinformation then you can fuck off.If you find this Carrd useful, please share it with your friends. Try your best to correct any misinformation that others spread and make sure to research a topic thoroughly before you try and talk about it.
Polyfragmented Systems
"Polyfragmented system" has many different definitions depending on who you ask. Here is a Carrd about polyfragmented systems. The reason that the community cannot agree on one definition for polyfragmentation is because systems who have one polyfragmented trait tend to have others. While polyfragmented systems are more common in RAMCOA* survivors, polyfragmentation is not exclusively a RAMCOA phenomenon and can happen for a number of reasons.Systems who identify as polyfragmented tend to have many alters, generally in the hundreds. Many of these alters are fragments, or one-dimensional alters who are not fully formed. However, what most of the community also considers to be part of polyfragmentation is the presence of subsystems, sidesystems, and layers.Sidesystems are systems that exist parallel to each other in the same body but are not "under" or "within" a main system. Subsystems are systems within systems, and there are a lot of different ways that this may present which we will not get into here. Layers are different "layers" of the innerworld, usually with different appearances and alters.* RAMCOA is an acronym meaning ritual abuse, mind control, and/or organized abuse. Telling you not to research something will just make you want to research it, but please take great care in researching this subject as it can be extremely triggering.
What is system hopping?
Now, we will attempt to describe what system hopping really means. System hopping was a term coined by the polyfragmented DID system community to describe the phenomenon of one alter leaving their subsystem or sidesystem and becoming part of another. This is a real thing that happens in systems that have sidesystems or subsystems and is common in, but not limited to, RAMCOA polyfragmented systems.This term would be extremely useful because instead of saying "Ash is no longer part of the Void Subsystem and is now part of the Wentz Subsystem," we can say "Ash hopped into the Wentz Subsystem." It makes a lot more sense when we have specific terms to describe things that happen.Unfortunately, this term has been co-opted by certain endogenic communities in order to spread misinformation and abuse people, which has caused polyfragmented systems to be taken less seriously. This will be discussed on the next page.
Appropriation by Endos
Even though system hopping is a real phenomenon that occurs in systems with multiple subsystems, it has been appropriated by certain endogenic and spiritual system communities to mean something that it does not. The more commonly used definition these days is that system hopping is traveling between systems (physical brains).Because telepathy is not a thing, this is not possible. While you can have introjects of other systems' alters, your own alters cannot travel to another physical brain, and anyone who claims this is either misinformed, trying to hurt you, or being hurt by a very bad person.System hopping as most people today know it has been used as an abuse tactic, where an abuser convinces their victim that an alter from the victim's system hopped into theirs. This is used to prevent alters from trusting each other and working together. This is extremely frustrating because this co-opting has caused polyfragmented systems whose alters system hop to be fakeclaimed and harassed.
What can you do?
If you are not a system, you do not belong in system spaces and thus there is not much you can do about this. If you are a system, especially if you are polyfragmented, you should share this Carrd to describe what you mean by system hopping and correct any misinformation about what the word actually means. If you are a system using the term incorrectly, stop!You can coin a new term and we won't care, just please do not use terms coined by polyfragmented or RAMCOA systems to describe their specific experiences to mean something that they were never intended to mean.Thank you for reading all of this! Click the "home" button to go back to the beginning.